Friday, November 9, 2007

Dancing Queen!

Ok, this is a lil' somthin' somthin' for my old pal Rochelle! This was our theme song when we ruled the stake dances back in the day! Now it just so happens to be Lauren's favorite song. Everytime we get in the van she begs for me to play it!
Ohhh Rochelle...remember the days of being "only 17"??? We seriously were cool, even if we were in our own little world!

Oh and yes people...the VW Bug pictured was our main mode of transportation! It was rockin' awesome!


Laura said...

Oooo....I love the new look!

I also love videos of Lauren singing and/or dancing. I think you should post the "Ring of Fire" video. Just for kicks.

Anonymous said...

OH MY THOSE WERE THE DAYS! :) I AM SOO GLAD you posted that pic of the bug... I can't find my copy fact I haven't been able to locate and bug-alicious pics for a LONG time....and since it's gone---well I was feeling deeply sad. Lauren is so cute...and the fact that she is singing and dancing in the manner of her mother and best friend--well---I am just saying she gets her sweet dance moves from is that possible!
Love you lady! Can't wait to see you!! just a couple weeks! yahoo!! :)