Monday, January 4, 2010

Lauren’s Christmas program

Lauren had her first Christmas program last month and it was in the same school where I had mine. It was so fun to be there and reminisce. The school was smart and had the 3 Kindergarten classes have their own program. It was short and sweet. Lauren was feeling special and had no signs of stage fright. She was actually bouncing around to the music and singing loud and getting into it more than most of the other kids. We were so proud :)

If Lauren looks a little different, it’s because she wanted her hair straightened for the occasion. I think it makes her look more grown up and she feels extra pretty!



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A visit from awesome friends!

In November my good friend Melissa bravely made the trip up to see us with her two little ones Alex and Emma. She lives about 4 hours away. We were the best of friends when we lived in AZ while our husbands attended school.  We had to part way in 2008 when her husband graduated. I love that we’ve kept in contact and it felt so completely comfortable to have her here. Lauren and her son Alex were also super good friends. They were little when we met..Lauren was 3, Alex was 2. Yet they hit it off and were pretty much attached at the hip. If you look back in my blog during 2006-2007 you can find a lot of pictures of them together. Also, when I found out I was pregnant with Kristen, a week later Melissa informed me she was pregnant also! We were due a little over a week apart and had our little girls exactly 2 weeks apart! It was awesome to have an equally pregnant partner in crime during that time.

I was worried Lauren was going to act strange around Alex after not seeing him for a while but they were literally on the floor and wrestling within the first hour. Apparently their love for one another hadn’t been lost with time!

I am so grateful for our friendships and hope to keep them strong for years to come! We miss and love you guys!!

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November 09 042

School trip to the Fair

I had the chance to volunteer in Lauren’s class when they were taking a trip to our country fair in September. It was so fun to be with Lauren and some of her classmates. She and her friend Hailey had their first ride on a school bus and they thought it was great. What’s ironic is Lauren could actually ride the bus since we live far enough away but she doesn’t want to. Hailey on the other hand wants to but lives too close.  

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Good times with some cute little girls!!


If you have a blog, get yourself  “Live Writer”. It is saving my sanity and making it much faster to blog. yay!!!


When we arrived here in August, my parents had a little stray kitten that was so cute but so wild. My Mom had been feeding him though so he got the idea we weren’t all that bad. Lauren made it her mission to tame him. 



She decided she wanted to name him Tommy. That stuck for a little while but then he just got so dang fat we call him Tubby now.



The girls like to see what he’ll play with and Lauren’s Barbie was very unfortunate one day…IMG_5248

and this is how Lauren felt about it! IMG_5246

He wouldn’t give it back! We have enjoyed having a pet for a little while since we won’t have one of our own for a very long time!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


When  first started blogging it was completely addicting. I was always excited when I had a reason for a new post. Now I’m filled with guilt and feel like I’m so behind and so much has happened. I have far too many pictures and events to blog about that I’m overwhelmed. So I’m going to try to be better. Wish me luck!!

Now get ready for mass-posting to catch up!!